University elections and voting rights
The elections for the student council, the student council of a faculty and the student representatives in the academic senate and the faculty council are held annually. Every student who is enrolled at the Otto-von-Guericke-University can stand as a candidate for the elections and has the right to vote. With your vote you can support students who you think will best represent and enforce you interests in the different committees.
The student candidates are organized in groups. Each group has their own set of goals. The student representatives are elected through a personalized proportional representation electoral system. According to the number of votes the groups will receive a number of seats in the committees. The seats are giving to the candidates in the group that received the most votes. If there is only one group standing for a committee then the candidates are elected directly.
Below is a brief summary of the administration structure and their major functions at the University.
Student Council or STURA[edit | edit source]
The student council (Studentenrat) is the highest institution of student self-administration. It therefore has the duty to represent the interests and concerns of the students within the university and society. It also sees its role in supporting the students in all professional, cultural and social matters. It fulfills its tasks in cooperation with the student body of the different faculties, the delegates and their own departments.
The student council consist of 15 members. All members work on a voluntary basis and are elected for a one year term. Visit their website for more information and contact details.
The STURA offers local and international students several services such as:
Material for Rent[edit | edit source]
For student activities STURA lends different things. A deposit must be deposited with them.
A list of the inventory and related deposit
- A barbecue, 50 €
- Biertischgarnitur (1 table + 2 benches), 20 €
- 22 Beer-banks, each 5 €
- 10 Beer-tables, each 10 €
- Two Glühweinkocher, 20 €
- Two Kabektromeln (25m, 40m), 20 €
- A beamer, 50 €
- A kicker table (incl. Ball), 50 €
- Youth hostel cards 20 €
- Bollerwagon, 50 €
- Pinwand 2 €
- Pavilion 50 €
- Load bicycle 50 €
Project funding[edit | edit source]
You have a super project idea and still need financial help to implement it? Then STURA is happy to support you and your project.
How do I make a request?[edit | edit source]
- Download application A7 here
- Read the M7 form
- Fill out the application
- Bring the form at their office or send it by e-mail at
- Submission should be done 7 days before the next meeting
And then?[edit | edit source]
- You will receive an invitation from the meeting
- You present your idea at the meeting and we ask a few more questions
- The Stura votes on the funding
What you should consider:
- Funding guidelines
- Above mentioned M7
- Self-commitment form (At the end of M7)
Academic Senate[edit | edit source]
The senate is responsible for all matters at the university relating to teaching and research. The president represents the university. He is the chairperson of the president’s office and is elected by the senate. The president’s office consists of the president, the three vice-presidents and the chancellor. The president’s office governs the university.
The senate consist of twelve professor, four research associates, four student representatives, two other members (e.g. administration), the equal opportunities representative and other advisory members.
More informationa dn contact details here:
Fachschaftsräte und Fakultätsrate[edit | edit source]
Each department also has a student body council called as Fachschaftsrat.
FaRaFIN Computer Science/ Informatik[edit | edit source]
The faculty council of the Faculty of Computer Science (FaRaFIN) consists of the seven students you have chosen, which, together with the two students, represent you in the faculty council opposite the professors, employees and the university. We will provide you with information about the program, organize preliminary courses and introductory week, and will help you to find the best solution to your problems. Our goal is the continuous further development and improvement of the study situation at FIN. Your voice for more quality for all! The FaRaFIN is the students council of the faculty for computer science.
We represent the students of the FIN in several bodies and committees. Our tasks and duties cover things like oragnizing events, supporting projects and lending a hand to students with their daily problems.
So if you have any questions you can simply mail us or just drop by our office in G29-103.
FMA Mathematics[edit | edit source]
FMB: Fachschaftsrat (FaRaFMB) Machinenbau/Mechanical[edit | edit source]
FVST: Fachschaftsrat (FaRaFVST) Chemical Engineering[edit | edit source]
FEIT: Fachschaftsrat (FaRaFEIT) Electrical Engineering[edit | edit source]
FME: Fachschaftsrat (FaRaMED) Medicine[edit | edit source]
FWW: Fachschaftsrat (FaRaWiWi) Management[edit | edit source]
FNW: Fachschaftsrat (FaRaFNW) und Fakultätsrat Natural Sciences[edit | edit source]
FHW: Fachschaftsrat (FasRaFHW) und Fakultätsrat Humanities and Social Sciences[edit | edit source]
Standing in Elections[edit | edit source]
You can also stand in University elections from 2018 to be elected in the various student bodies. For more info contact STURA.