Finding a part-time job outside the University
From Indians in Magdeburg - A Guide for Students
How to get a part-time jobs (Nebenjob)[edit | edit source]
- Most employers would prefer if you can speak at least a little German.
- It is important that you have a "Lohnsteuerkarte" (Income Tax Card). If you don't have one you can get from Finanzamt Magdeburg. You can ask them about which class you fall under. Their address is:
Finanzamt Magdeburg, Tessenowstr. 6, 39114 Magdeburg
- The maximum number of days you can work is 120 full days, which is 960h. This does NOT include HiWi hours.
- You can ask for tax returns once a year, the deadline is 31st May of the following year. You can either do it yourself on the ELSTER webpage using Toytown Germany's guide as reference or make use of an online service like SteuerGo which lets you file your tax return in English for a fee of 25€. You can also get a consultant (Steuerberater) to help you out but it will be significantly more expensive.
Where to look for part-time jobs[edit | edit source]
Important: Please note that if you have once committed yourself, do not back out unless there is a genuine reason to do so. Usually, such jobs require you to sign a weekly contract, which may also be legally binding if you do not show up.
In/Around Magdeburg[edit | edit source]
These are some of the part time job possibilities in Magdeburg:
- Röstfein GmbH (Coffee Factory)
Contact persons:
Frau Sanguette (+493915683132)
Herr Hempel (+493915683136)
- Trenkwalder
Service provider for Harry Brot GmbH, Amazon (only Nov-Dec)
Contact person: Herr Holger (+4915112055146)
- Piening GmbH
Julius-Bremer-Str. 8 - Service provider for a Pizza Factory
Out of Magdeburg[edit | edit source]
- There are other many other options for part-time work outside Magdeburg like Burger King in München, Amazon(multiple locations) but you will have to relocate.
- There is another job referred to as Tile factory. The contact person is Andre (+4917620047645). Although you get about 80€ per day it is extremely physical. Visit their office and get your name written, they will call you once they have vacancy. You are free to enquire obviously.
Additional links[edit | edit source]
Some more useful links for finding part-time jobs in Magdeburg:
Content credits: M.Sc. Saquib Siddiqui, M.Sc. Ram Babu Bekkam